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Real Kids Rooms are messy, chaotic and frankly, Full of Life! These are rooms that have been designed for real life - Find Great Inspiration Here.

Are you worried that your real-life kid's room looks nothing like those shown in magazines or Instagram and Pinterest? There's ONE SECRET to your design success.

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It can be hard - looking at these amazing pictures of kid's rooms and nurseries that are so perfectly set-up and then walking into the war zone that is your kid's room.

If you are using a picture as the inspiration for your own design project, there is one super secret that you must never forget. It is the one rule of thumb that every successful designer follows in any room they ever design.

Real Kids Room Inspiration

And that is... 

"Form Follows Function"

If your child's room or baby nursery is not functional, it wouldn't matter if you added the most expensive crib or the trendiest light fixture in the room.

Real Kids Rooms - Best Practices

  • Furniture - when choosing the furniture for the room, you must keep in mind that it has to withstand kids jumping, climbing and crawling around on them. Sturdy, well-made pieces with anti-tip kits where needed.
  • Bed-sheets - and lots of them. For your peace of mind, keep them clean and ready to change at a moment's notice.
  • Lighting - a beautiful chandelier to match the theme of the room makes for a stunning Instagram post, but don't neglect the task lighting for homework or a bedside light for the sleep-time reads.
  • Storage - and tons of it. Finding places to hide storage bins out of sight but within easy reach for instant clean-ups will be a life-saver. Color coordinate or find themed bins and baskets that you can showcase in areas where they cannot be out-of-sight. 
  • Paint on the walls - is it Mr. Clean wipeable?
  • Area rug - brings in the fun...and a safe landing spot from the afore-mentioned jumps and falls. Remember...there WILL be SPILLS!!

Real Kids Rooms - Inspiration

Without further ado, I present to you...Amazing REAL KIDS ROOMS that will FIRE YOUR IMAGINATION and INSPIRE YOUR NEXT PROJECT.

1. Woodland Fairy Meets Enchanted Forest - a lucky young girl's stunning bedroom. And here's the kicker - she loves her room so much, she keeps it tidy!!

Want Us to Showcase Your Gorgeous Nursery / Kid's Room / Dorm Room?

Have a Real Kids Room to Show off?

You worked hard to create a beautiful sanctuary for your little one. Share it with our exclusive world of like-minded moms. Your real time kids room could be the source of inspiration for another. Tell us about it here. Add any social media links you want me to attach.

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Woodland Fairy Meets Enchanted Forest Not rated yet
The first item I purchased was the bed sheets and from there I ran with the theme. My niece Tala is a very imaginative little girl, I wanted to create …

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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...