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Open letter to Working Moms

You need to read this today!

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Hey there Momma,

I see you.

I hear you.

I understand you.

You are exhausted.

You are so busy trying to be available to everyone – your children, your spouse, your family and friends, and your colleagues. Not because you should but because you truly want to.

Open Letter to Working Moms

You want to be able to give them all ‘quality time’. You want your children to eat healthy; to grow up physically and mentally strong, to have that beautiful bond of love, respect and empathy.

You want to go out on date-nights with your partner, to show them how much you love them, to share your struggles and your wins; and to listen to their struggles and wins too.

You want to host family dinners, to celebrate milestones with friends, to share moments of relaxed fun with your besties.

You want to scale new heights in your career, to be known for your dedication and diligence at work, to be part of a successful team.

You want to be the best version of you that can be.

I get it.

And yet, sometimes you feel stuck.

When you have been up all night with a crying baby and need to go into work the next morning. You are exhausted and drained so how do you give your 100% to the work you love so much?

When your work takes you to a different city and you cannot attend your child’s dance recital or soccer game, you wonder if you made the right decision and feel guilty for disappointing your kid.

When you’ve had a bad day at work and take out your frustration by yelling at the kids; then end up feeling guilty about your behavior.

Do you lay in bed, exhausted only to realize that half your to-do list will have to wait for another day? You want your home to look beautiful, to be a place of pride. You want your kids to grow up happy, smart, kind and loving.

You want that perfect life that you see others enjoying and talking about on social media.

You don’t want to yell at your kids. You don’t want to argue with your partner. You don’t want to stay upset, exhausted and weary all the time.

Why is Self-Care So Important?

In the hustle and bustle of your daily life, when was the last time you put yourself first? Amidst the chaos, it’s easy to lose sight of your own well-being

It’s not just about how drained and tired you feel. The chronic stress wreaks havoc on your health. It takes a toll on your physical body by weakening your immune system.

Not only are you completely exhausted mentally, you are also now susceptible to health issues.

It’s critical that you take yourself seriously. Give yourself time to recoup your energy, to revitalize your body, calm your mind, find your focus and be fully present in your Life.


Now imagine having a sanctuary right in your home…a place where you can escape the stresses of the day, recharge your batteries and truly focus on yourself.

Just picture this: after a long day of meeting, deadlines, and taking care of everyone else, you step into your personal oasis.

Soft calming lights greet you, inviting you to unwind and relax.

Your favorite scent fills the air, instantly soothing your mind.

You sink into your favorite chair, surrounded by things that bring you joy – a good book, a cup of tea, perhaps some calming music in the background.

This isn’t a dream. This is your new reality.

My guide is filled with practical tips and step-by-step instructions to help you transform any corner of your home into a self-care haven.

I’m here to tell you that you are doing a disservice – to your family, your friends, your work and yourself – when you don’t take care of yourself.

I give you permission to think about YOU.

I give you permission to give yourself GRACE.

I give you permission to stand for your WORTH.

You deserve it. You have earned it.

Say goodbye to guilt and hello to self-love. Your journey to a more balanced, fulfilling life starts right here, right now. Download my guide and let’s make your self-care space a reality.

Be your own hero. You deserve it.

Now go and do it.


With love,


Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...