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Kids Christmas Gifts - Holiday Guide

Shop the Kids Christmas Gifts with Our Holiday Guide

It's Christmas Time. While the bells are a-jinglin'; and the carols are a-singin''s time to head for the malls again.

Finding the right kids Christmas presents, however, is no easy task. There are options galore and your head can start a-spinnin' as you try to tick off the items on your list.

(We have included third party products with the goal to help you navigate the web easily so you can focus on what matters to you. Purchases made through links on this page may earn us a commission.)

How do we approach the whole gift-buying business? With some, I guess, the Christmas List or Letter to Santa might be a great place to start.

Then there are those who are so very clear about what they want. But it's not just your own kids that you need to cater to. If you have a big family, there will be nieces and nephews to think of; maybe some very close BFFs need to be counted in too.

1. Let's Start At the Very Beginning,...

A Very Good Place To Start!

Baby's first Christmas is always super special. Well, a baby's first everything is very special, but let's not deviate.

The very first Christmas present your child receives needs to make a statement. It should be something she will cherish for the rest of her life. And while your baby is bound to get a LOT of presents this first Christmas, you need to make sure yours is truly special.

And how can you possibly do without a Christmas ornament in her honor. This Mickey Mouse Ornament is both beautiful and perfect for the occasion. Don't want Mickey? Choose from other Disney characters to find the one for you.

2. 'tis the Season to be...(a toddler)

Toddlers are probably THE most excited kids of the lot. They have only just begun to understand Christmas and wait keenly for Santa's visit. They hear reindeer bells and kind of make you start believing in Santa once again.

How can we make this time of year even more special for them? With Magic, of course.

Play All Day Elmo

Get yourself a Santa's Reindeer Hoof print stamp kit and get busy on Christmas eve. Remember, Santa's reindeer are magic, so they can even climb the wall of your kid's room to sneak in some stocking stuffers.

Sprinkle Reindeer Dust on Christmas Eve to guide Rudolph to your home. Send a letter to Santa and see your kid's face light up when they receive a reply.

3. Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

As they grow out of toddlerdom, your children are still holding onto their faith in Santa. But the children's Christmas presents are taking precedence over the magic of the reindeer.

Very vocal about their gift ideas, this is a tricky time for parents. 

I would suggest you go for the big guns. Kids Christmas gifts are the perfect excuse to buy them something that you anyways would. Even if you are having a white Christmas, it is worth gifting a bike now and having them wait for summer. 

Basically, you should go big. A big stuffed toy, remote control toys or a big art kit, which one you go for will depend largely on what your child's interests are. At this point, you already have a fairly good idea of what they would go crazy over.

4. Deck the Halls With...


Yes, as the kids head towards the tweens and teens, they are probably expecting some tech-related gifts. 

Don't go overboard though. Peer pressure and the need to be the coolest kid might be prompting your teenager to ask for the latest. You do need to check your budget as well as gauge their needs before you decide on the Christmas present you opt for.

Once again, it will really depend on their interests. This may be the time to buy him that electric guitar he had mentioned in passing, or enroll her in those photography classes she was so keen on. 

Still not found what you were looking for? Did I leave you more confused than you were to begin with? Alright, I have some more of the most popular kids Christmas gifts and ideas for you to browse through. Enjoy!

Kids Waterproof Smartwatches

Soft Unicorn Hooded Bathrobe Sleepwear

Big Sister & Little Sister Heart Necklace Set

Glow in The Dark Throw Blanket

Digital Video Camera Children

High School College Bookbags Laptop Bag

I hope these suggestions have been of help to you as you head out to the mall with your Christmas shopping list. Do you have the problem of then hiding the gifts before it is time for THE REVEAL? I do. My house is tiny (well, an apartment) and there are not many places to hide. 

Now that's a whole new problem after you have bought those awesome gifts, isn't it?

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