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Kid Desk - Table and Chair Set

The Kid Desk is an Integral Part of the Decor.

Mega-Sale for Keeping Baby Safe

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Children love to feel grown up. They want to be independent. 

Do you remember the first time your toddler insisted on wearing his shoes himself? Or your daughter decided to comb her own hair? 

My little one loves to make shopping lists like me, even if they are just meaningless scribbles.

At that age, we love to buy them that small kids table and chair set and watch them do their art or play with their toys. Just as a high chair is an important part of the baby furniture, a student desk is an important part of a school going kid's room.

Find more kid desk here

But with so many choices and selections, how do you choose the best fit for your child?

1. Figure out the Function

If you are planning to buy a desk for your Kindergartener, you might be interested in something colorful and fun, like the one pictured above. 

An older child will need more drawers, shelves and desktop space for a computer.

Figuring out the functionality will help you decide between a simple student desk, a childs computer desk and the amount of desk storage you should look for.

2. Size it Up

ELEGANT Deep L-Shaped Desk Corner Workstation, Oak

Check out your child's bedroom. Where would you like to place his desk? 

Want to place the kid desk in front of the window; remember to measure the height of the desk, so it would come just under the window ledge.

If the student desk is to go beside the bed, note the distance between the bed and the wall. You wouldn't want to buy a desk only to find it too big for the space.

If space is limited, you might want to look for a corner childs computer desk to help utilize the space.

Knowing the measurements will help you avoid any headache (and heartache) of returning a piece you liked.

3. Fun DIY Tips for the Kid Desk

Making a kid desk to match the decor or theme of the room is surprisingly easier than you might have thought.

  • Paint the table or parts of it to match the color scheme of the room.
  • Buy an extra vinyl decal set - put one up on the focus wall and decorate the table, hutch and drawers or shelves with the second set.
  • If your child loves a particular character, why not tape a placemat of his favorite onto his table. You can easily change this each time his favorite changes.

4. Desk Storage Supplies

Wall Mounted Kids Room Bookshelf Metal Wire Basket

With the start of school, the school supplies and heaps of papers your child brings back start to clutter up the kid desk. You need to figure out the desk storage requirements before you go under!!

  • If the desk is large, you can put all the desk storage stuff on the tabletop. 
  • Add shelves, hooks or wall containers to take the organization away from the tabletop. 
  • A fancy memo board, or dry erase/chalkboards are just as useful to help your child remember project deadlines and other important things.

As you can see a student desk can be just as much fun as any other piece of furniture in the kids bedroom. Go ahead, give them the fun space and watch them enjoy being at their desk!!

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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...

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