Carter's Nursery - Going Green
by HartsDesire
(Northern Virginia (USA))
A Green Nursery
We weren't sure what what we were having so a neutral nursery was a must! I made the mobile myself and actually started selling them on Etsy afterwards. You can find them at

I wanted a simple yet sophisticated nursery that we could easily change as our son got older and grew into his personality.
I painted the walls a great green wall color by Sherwin Williams. The crib and rocker came from Walmart. The dresser was a hand-me-down sideboard from my in-laws dinning room that I painted an antique white and distressed. Original knobs. I wanted to switch them out but couldn't find any double screw knobs at my local hardware store and I was too impatient to fill the holes to change the hardware. The oversized knobs grew on me after awhile.
My dad made the bookcase for my baby shower. I also used an old hutch from my college days that I painted chocolate brown and distressed slightly to display keepsakes and photos (you can't see it in this pic). I used a shell lighting pendant from World Market as another mobile for the changing area.
I used quilters hoops to display fabric in the room's coordinating colors to the right of the crib. I hung these with the 3M command strips so I wouldn't tear up the walls when I took them down. The blanket on the rocker was another gift for my baby shower.
Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too. Read More...