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Benjamin's Nursery of Dreams

by Jessica

Ben's Dream Nursery

Ben's Dream Nursery

This is what you see when you enter the room. The window seat is actually an Ikea entertainment center! The changing table/bookshelf is part of the expedit series from Ikea. We bought the vinyl stickers from VinylLettering on etsy and love love love them.

The bins are from Ikea and so are the pillows. The bins are actually meant to go in a different system, but they fit perfectly so we went with it. Currently they are storing toys and a few fun blankets we bought on etsy.

Our dresser, again from Ikea. The orange lamp is from Ikea too. My husband made the animal prints in photoshop and printed them out on photo paper. The blanket is AWESOME and from EliseHooperDesigns, who I also totally recommend. (Seriously, I have so much etsy stuff in this room and they are all such great quality).

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Great ideas and recommendations
by: Richa

Thank you for sharing, Jessica.

I never thought of an entertainment center as a window seat; and yet, it looks so at home in this nursery.

The wall art created by your husband is pure genius too. The colors work beautifully together.

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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...